Testing video Home Tiles and homepage banners
For the video banner slide (slide number 2 in the carousel below), the static image will show for a second until the video is able to play. You can see it flash up momentarily - Asterix banner image has been used to demonstrate this.
Banner behaviour is as follows:
- Desktop: Chrome and FF and Edge - autoplay video banner, carousel will not progress until video is finished, but will if user clicks a different banner dot
- Tablet: Safari & Chrome - autoplay video banner, carousel will not progress until video is finished, but will if user clicks a different banner dot
- Mobile: No video plays, just show static image
NOTE: Video Home Tiles behave differently, see below.
Video Home Tiles (used to be called feature blocks)
Pacman and Pick of the Bunch below are both video, rest are image only
- Desktop: Chrome and FF and Edge - must hover over the Home Tile to make it play, and moving the mouse away will pause the video. if you hover over a different tile, it will start to play.
- Tablet: Safari and Chrome - No video plays, just show static image
- Mobile: No video plays, just show static image