Fragrance Oils Product Guide

Fragrance Oils from Puckator UKWhat are fragrance oils and how are they used?

Fragrance oils are perfumed oils that can be used in aromatherapy.  They are either a synthetic fragrance or made with essential oils and other ingredients.  Unlike essential oils, they are not a pure fragrance.  You must only burn fragrance oils with water in an appropriate burner.  You’ll only need a couple of drops of fragrance oil to get a nice smell.

What types of burners are suitable for burning fragrance oils?

Oils should only be used in oil burners, lamp bulb ring diffusers or reed diffusers. They are safe to apply to dried flowers or potpourri to refresh the fragrance.

What products do they sell well with?

Obviously oil burners. They also fit nicely next to incense, incense burners and candles.

Do I need to issue any safety recommendations when selling them?

No, you are under no obligation to issue safety recommendations, but all our fragrance oils and products they can be used with have information on how to use them safely.

What ingredients are in fragrance oils?

Ingredients vary according to each fragrance but a lot of the oils we sell have Ppg-2 Methyl Ether as a base, which is then perfumed with a specific flavour.

Can I use fragrance oils to make candles?

Lots of people prefer to use fragrance oils instead of essential oils when making candles because they can offer a more potent smell. Make sure that the fragrance oils you are using are EU compliant as that means they will be free of harmful phthalates and should be safe to use.

Can I use fragrance oils in my diffuser?

It depends on what type of diffuser you have, it will detail in the instructions the types of oil that can be used in it, always follow the instructions. If you are using a reed diffuser then fragrance oils are often not suitable as they are too thick to properly travel up the reed.

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